Possibly Podcast Episodes
Should I wrap my presents in fabric or paper?
Today, we have a question from a listener named Susan. She wants to know about gift wrapping: “Is it better for the environment to wrap Christmas gifts in fabric you can use over again rather than paper?”
Dec 18, 2023 • 3 min 23 sec
What does the future of natural gas look like in Rhode Island? Part 2
Megan Hall: Welcome to Possibly, where we take on huge problems like the future of our planet and break them down into small questions with unexpected answers. I’m Megan Hall. Today, we’re continuing our coverage of the future of energy in Rhode Island. Since the state burns too much natural gas to reach net-zero by […]
Dec 11, 2023 • 3 min 38 sec
What does the Future of Natural Gas Look Like in Rhode Island? Part 1
It’s getting colder, and a lot of people are turning on their furnaces. Many of those run on “natural” gas, which is basically methane, a potent greenhouse gas. So, what do we do about these emissions?
Dec 6, 2023 • 1 min 3 sec
What’s happening at the world’s largest climate conference this year?
The world’s largest annual climate conference will be happening for the 28th time in Dubai from the end of November to mid December. We break down what the conference has accomplished thus far, some issues it often faces, and what’s on the docket for this winter.
Nov 28, 2023 • 1 min 3 sec
What’s it like at an electric car race?
What happens when a car racing fan and the host of Possibly try to find an event that appeals to both of them? Enter Formula E.
Nov 21, 2023 • 1 min 5 sec
Should I be worried about microplastics in Narragansett Bay?
Today, we’re talking about a new study from the University of Rhode Island about microplastics in the Narragansett Bay. We look into what the findings mean for Rhode Islanders and the Bay.
Nov 14, 2023 • 0 min 59 sec
Meet one of the students who sued Montana to address climate change and won
We got to talk to one of the youth plaintiffs from the constitutional climate case in Montana, to hear about her experience with the case, how our generation can keep fighting the climate crisis, and how it feels to have that responsibility on our shoulders.
Nov 7, 2023 • 1 min 20 sec
What did the young people who testified in the Montana climate lawsuit have to say?
A group of young people in Montana sued the state for violating their constitutional right to a clean and healthy environment. They brought in all sorts of climate science and policy experts to help prove their case, but most of these young people also testified at the trial. What did they have to say?
Oct 31, 2023 • 1 min 57 sec
A group of young people in Montana sued the state for not taking climate change seriously. What happened at the trial?
I’ve been hearing about this landmark climate case in Montana, where a group of young people sued the state, and won. How did they do it?
Oct 24, 2023 • 1 min 2 sec
How can I get involved with Public Utilities Commissions?
In another episode we talked about a state agency that can play a big role in helping us get more of our energy from renewable sources. Here in Rhode Island, it’s called the Public Utilities Commission. But how do everyday people influence how these commissions work?
Oct 17, 2023 • 3 min 51 sec