Possibly Podcast Episodes
Is it worth it to pay more for organic meat?
These days, it seems like there’s an organic option for every type of food out there, including meat. But organic usually means more expensive. That made us wonder, is it worth it to pay more for organic meat? And does it create fewer greenhouse gas emissions?
Apr 5, 2021 • 1 min 3 sec
Using Art to Unpack Climate Change
On our show, we tell stories to make climate change seem less overwhelming. We know that our episodes are no replacement for massive policy changes, but we hope that they help to shift your perspective or at least make the path forward seem a little clearer. Today, we’re going to talk to an artist who also tries to unpack climate change using a very different medium.
Mar 29, 2021 • 1 min 5 sec
How do I get renewable energy for my home?
How would you like to get all of your electricity from renewable sources? It turns out, you can, and you don’t even need to put panels on your roof to do it. Harrison Katz and Fatima Husain from our Possibly team are going to walk us through our options.
Mar 22, 2021 • 0 min 56 sec
Take out battles: Rhode Island vs France
I order a lot of takeout food these days. And I often cringe when I see the packaging, especially when I get all of those little soy sauce packets. I mentioned this to our founder, Stephen Porder. And he says, it doesn't have to be that way. Stephen is in Paris this year on sabbatical, and he says his take-out has way less packaging. So, we tried a little experiment to see if his claims stack up.
Mar 15, 2021 • 1 min 3 sec
What’s happening to all of the insects?
There are about 5.5 million different species of bugs and they make up nearly 80% of all animals on Earth. But all is not well with the world’s most abundant critters. What’s happening to insects? And why should we care?
Mar 8, 2021 • 1 min 3 sec
What kind of water heater should I buy?
Today, we have a question from listener Tom Chun. Recently, his water heater stopped working. Tom didn’t have time to spare, so he just went with the water heater his plumber recommended. But now, he’s wondering if he should have bought something else. Are there more efficient water heaters out there that are worth the price?
Mar 1, 2021 • 1 min 1 sec
How does the color of the ground affect climate change?
Take a look out your window. What color is the ground? It turns out that what you see plays a big role in the speed of climate change.
Feb 15, 2021 • 0 min 58 sec
What does ‘Net Zero’ really mean?
If you follow the news about climate change, you’ve probably heard the phrase “net zero.” But what does “net zero” really mean?
Feb 8, 2021 • 0 min 59 sec
Do my clothes release harmful particles when I wash them?
Today we have a question from Natalie Herbermann. She’s heard that when you put your clothes in the washing machine, they can leave behind harmful particles... And she’s wondering if there’s anything she can do about that.
Feb 1, 2021 • 1 min 1 sec
Is It Worth It To Buy A Hybrid Car?
Taking into account the energy that goes into making a whole new car, is it more energy efficient to keep the gas car you already have, or to get a new hybrid car? (This episode originally aired in September, 2019).
Jan 25, 2021 • 0 min 43 sec