Possibly Podcast Episodes
Can seaweed improve cow burps?
Imagine a field full of cows. What are they eating? You’re probably thinking: grass, hay, or some sort of grain. What you’re probably not imagining, is seaweed. But some scientists say cows SHOULD be eating seaweed. And this small change to their diet could have a significant impact on the effects of climate change. What is this all about?
Jun 21, 2021 • 1 min 4 sec
Is climate change affecting our allergies?
For the past few weeks or so, my eyes have been scratchy and I’ve had a runny nose. And I’m not alone. A lot of people are feeling the effects of spring allergies and they seem even more intense this year.That made us wonder, does climate change have anything to do with this?
Jun 14, 2021 • 1 min 5 sec
Is using a soda maker more energy efficient than buying seltzer by the can?
Today, we have a question from Keith Munslow, a musician from Providence. He and his wife drink a lot of seltzer. They recently switched to making his own seltzer at home with a soda maker — a machine that makes sparkling water. He wants to know if using it is more energy-efficient than buying seltzer by the can.
Jun 7, 2021 • 0 min 59 sec
What’s another important climate change issue that nobody’s talking about?
Today, we’re taking on a BIG question. It’s inspired by our friends over at the Trending Globally podcast. They asked policy experts to name one climate change issue that’s not getting enough attention.
May 31, 2021 • 0 min 59 sec
What’s an important climate change issue that nobody’s talking about?
Here at Possibly, we usually talk about the little things you can do to chip away at climate change. But of course, we need to do big things too. To talk about that, we’re turning to our friends at the Trending Globally podcast- Sarah Baldwin and Dan Richards. They wanted to know- what's a burning climate change issue that nobody's talking about?
May 24, 2021 • 1 min 5 sec
Are white roofs really “cool”?
Today, we’re going to talk about painting roofs white. Some experts say white shingles could lower electricity bills and cool down hot cities. So, should you make the switch?
May 17, 2021 • 1 min 4 sec
Do you need to separate your recycling?
Today we're answering a question from listener Liz Lee. She lives in Warwick, RI, and wants to know whether she is supposed to separate her paper and plastic recycling.
May 10, 2021 • 0 min 56 sec
How is climate change affecting the flavor of our wine?
When we talk about climate change, we often think about the big issues- sea levels rising, extreme weather, melting polar ice caps. But climate change has small, intimate consequences too. It turns out, our warming planet is even affecting the flavor of our wine.
May 3, 2021 • 0 min 53 sec
Can you really compost compostable plastics?
Some take-out food containers, cups, and utensils are called “certified compostable.” What does that really mean?
Apr 26, 2021 • 1 min 5 sec
Can we address climate change by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?
On our show, we talk a lot about how to reduce our carbon dioxide, or CO2, emissions. But some scientists are developing another approach to climate change — techniques to remove CO2 from the atmosphere.
Apr 19, 2021 • 1 min 2 sec