Possibly Podcast Episodes
How can we prepare for heat waves?
Welcome to Possibly, where we take on huge problems like the future of our planet and break them down into small questions with unexpected answers. This year, heat waves across the world shattered records, tested our abilities to stay cool, and even cost lives.
Sep 7, 2021 • 1 min 5 sec
What is the most environmentally-friendly option for diapers?
Welcome to Possibly, where we take on huge problems like the future of our planet and break them down into small questions with unexpected answers. In this episode, we tackle an issue that most new parents face: diapers.
Aug 24, 2021 • 0 min 56 sec
Can our sunscreens hurt marine life?
Scientists have been reexamining some of the chemicals found in sunscreen because of their potential impact on marine life, particularly coral reefs. Should we rethink the type of sunscreen we wear?
Aug 16, 2021 • 7 min 41 sec
Is there a safe way to get rid of mosquitoes that spread disease?
Did you ever wish you could wave a wand and get rid of all of those pesky mosquitoes? Especially the ones that spread serious diseases like zika, triple E and malaria? Some scientists think they have a solution.
Aug 10, 2021 • 0 min 0 sec
Does global warming cause extreme weather?
Yes. Global warming increases the intensity of our weather because it causes temperatures to rise, which leads to more water evaporation. When those larger amounts of water come back down, they lead to bigger storms.
Aug 2, 2021 • 1 min 5 sec
How do I ditch my lawn?
Lawns can be beautiful and soft. But they’re pretty crappy when you evaluate them on really any other measure. Lawns waste water, they leak fertilizer into lakes and rivers… I could go on and on. I know all of these things about lawns. But guess what? I still have one! That’s because I’m not sure what to do instead. To find out, I drove down to Blue Moon Farm in Wakefield, Rhode Island.
Jul 26, 2021 • 1 min 5 sec
How is climate change affecting our food?
Today, we’re going to talk about eating. How will climate change affect our food?
Jul 19, 2021 • 0 min 58 sec
What happens when you use fertilizer on your lawn?
What does it take to keep your lawn looking green and healthy? A lot of people say you need to use fertilizer. But do you really? And what’s the cost of using this stuff on our grass?
Jul 12, 2021 • 1 min 3 sec
What is ‘shaving the peak?’
About a month ago, I got a text message, asking me if I was ready to “shave the peak.” The message included a link with tips for using less electricity. Here at Possibly, we wondered— what are these peaks? And do we accomplish anything by trying to shave them?
Jul 5, 2021 • 1 min 0 sec
How to cut electricity use while cooling your home
We’ve had some seriously hot days this summer. So hot, that even though I know my central AC uses a lot of electricity, I’ve broken down and turned it on. Which made me wonder, is there anything I could do to waste less electricity while I’m cooling my home?
Jun 28, 2021 • 1 min 4 sec