Should you use your car’s AC or roll down the windows?
It depends. When you’re driving slowly around town, it’s better to keep your windows down. But on the highway, it’s better to turn on the AC.
Jun 22, 2020 • 0 min 51 sec
It depends. When you’re driving slowly around town, it’s better to keep your windows down. But on the highway, it’s better to turn on the AC.
Jun 22, 2020 • 0 min 51 sec
From an emissions standpoint, is grilling with gas or charcoal better? If you're choosing between charcoal and gas, choose gas. Grilling with charcoal for an hour produces three times the emissions of grilling with gas. But, what you put on the grill is actually more important.
Jun 15, 2020 • 0 min 40 sec
How is COVID-19 affecting our air quality?
May 18, 2020 • 1 min 4 sec
Methane is a gas that’s created when something organic decomposes in a location that doesn’t have oxygen. The largest human-caused source of methane is actually cow burbs, but the second biggest human-caused source in the US is oil and gas production.
Apr 6, 2020 • 0 min 54 sec
Technically yes. There are some car hobbyists who have done this, but there's no streamlined approach to converting your car. The process would be expensive, complicated and even dangerous. We recommend buying a plug-in hybrid or electric can when you need a new one and in the meantime, work on lowering your gas mileage by keeping your tires inflated and driving the speed limit.
Mar 9, 2020 • 1 min 1 sec
How does the trash skimmer at the Hot Club Marina work?
Dec 9, 2019 • 0 min 32 sec
Is it better for the planet to drink dairy milk, or a non-dairy alternative like almond, oat, or soy milk?
Nov 26, 2019 • 0 min 0 sec
The fires started because of the looser environmental regulations in Brazil which allowed people to cut down trees and clear forests with fire. These fires spread and got out of control, burning over 7,000 square miles at the peak.
Nov 11, 2019 • 0 min 36 sec
Turning your food scraps into compost is ideal, but what do you do if you live in a place where composting is impossible? Is it better to throw your food in the trash or down the kitchen disposal? In this case, we don’t really have a clear answer. Neither option is ideal.
Sep 30, 2019 • 0 min 13 sec
Since China recently stopped taking recycling from the US, does our recycling here in Rhode Island have somewhere to go?
Aug 5, 2019 • 0 min 26 sec