How has coronavirus impacted air quality?
How is COVID-19 affecting our air quality?
May 18, 2020 • 1 min 4 sec
How is COVID-19 affecting our air quality?
May 18, 2020 • 1 min 4 sec
Driftnets are fishing nets that have largely fallen out of fashion because they can accidentally catch other marine life. But it's still legal to use driftnets in California to catch swordfish. Luckily, there are other types of gear fishers can use and many are taking advantage of this new technology.
May 11, 2020 • 1 min 0 sec
Today we’re answering a question that has been on a lot of people’s minds during the COVID-19 quarantine: while we’re limiting trips to the store, how can we maximize our groceries and minimize our food waste?
May 5, 2020 • 0 min 57 sec
What's causing sea level rise and how will it affect Rhode Island?
Apr 27, 2020 • 1 min 2 sec
If you haven’t used a bidet before, it looks pretty much like a toilet bowl with a tap on one side that gives you a rinse after you go. Bidets or some version of them are already used a lot in Europe, Latin America and some parts of Asia.
Apr 13, 2020 • 1 min 2 sec
Methane is a gas that’s created when something organic decomposes in a location that doesn’t have oxygen. The largest human-caused source of methane is actually cow burbs, but the second biggest human-caused source in the US is oil and gas production.
Apr 6, 2020 • 0 min 54 sec
Question: How much energy do dryers use? And is it worth the effort to air-dry your clothes instead?
Mar 30, 2020 • 0 min 52 sec
Like many people these days, we are working from home. And our Possibly reporters? They’re scattered all over the world. You might not know this, but Brown University students research, write and record all of our episodes. And they've all gone back home.
Mar 23, 2020 • 1 min 2 sec
Technically yes. There are some car hobbyists who have done this, but there's no streamlined approach to converting your car. The process would be expensive, complicated and even dangerous. We recommend buying a plug-in hybrid or electric can when you need a new one and in the meantime, work on lowering your gas mileage by keeping your tires inflated and driving the speed limit.
Mar 9, 2020 • 1 min 1 sec
In the US, one out of five households don’t use a dishwasher because they think it uses more water and energy than washing by hand. So, we wanted to test this out: is hand washing really more efficient than using a dishwasher?
Mar 3, 2020 • 0 min 27 sec