Can art help fight climate change?
Today, we have a question from one of our reporters, Kolya Shields. They're an artist, and they want to know: can art help fight climate change?
Apr 18, 2023 • 0 min 59 sec
Today, we have a question from one of our reporters, Kolya Shields. They're an artist, and they want to know: can art help fight climate change?
Apr 18, 2023 • 0 min 59 sec
Recently, Rhode Island certified its first “Passive House.” What does that mean? And will we all live in one someday?
Apr 4, 2023 • 0 min 54 sec
It’s ski season–but in recent years rising temperatures have made it harder for resorts in New England to rely on natural snow. Instead, they have to make it. But what’s the environmental impact of all that artificial snow?
Mar 28, 2023 • 0 min 59 sec
Normally when we talk about emissions, we’re talking about carbon dioxide. But recently there’s been more focus on another greenhouse gas, methane.
Mar 21, 2023 • 0 min 59 sec
We usually talk about how individuals can reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, but what about governments and corporations? Today we’re taking a look at a new European Union plan that aims to help fight global warming.
Mar 14, 2023 • 0 min 54 sec
Public interest in cryptocurrencies has been on a bit of a rollercoaster over the past few years. But there’s one thing that hasn’t really changed- the massive amount of energy it takes to create them. But why? And does it have to be that way?
Mar 7, 2023 • 1 min 2 sec
The time has come! Our family needs a new car, and I’m ready to go electric. But, which one should I buy? Here to help me out is our founder and Brown University’s Provost for sustainability, Stephen Porder.
Feb 28, 2023 • 1 min 5 sec
Warren, Rhode Island is one of the smallest towns in the smallest state — but when it comes to dealing with climate change, it has big plans. Located on the East Bay, the town is already seeing the effects of rising sea levels, and it’s starting to adapt.
Feb 21, 2023 • 1 min 5 sec
A lot of birds will circle well-lit buildings until they’re too exhausted to fly anymore. Then they’ll fall to the ground, where they usually die without food or water.
Feb 14, 2023 • 1 min 0 sec
Last year, Kolya from our Possibly team and I worked with the Providence Stormwater Innovation center. Their job was to track flooding across the city, which made them wonder: why are we seeing more of these floods? And what is Providence doing to prevent them?
Feb 7, 2023 • 0 min 58 sec